dimanche 17 septembre 2017

C#: webApi cache, Etag and 304(NotModified) StatusCode [2/2]

part 2: The Demo

We have two ways (at least) to intercept requests on webapi before they arrive to controllers:

- MessageHandler: as CacheCow do.

- ActionFilterAttributeI will use this.

ActionFilterAttribute expose the method OnActionExecuting(), it occurs before the controller's action method is invoked.

All we need to do is create a class derived from ActionAttributeFilter and override method OnActionExecuting().

   public class ETagAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute  
     public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)  
         // we will put our ode here

Now add the attribute to our test controller's action:

     public string Get(int id)  
       var r = new Random();  
       var data = $"{r.Next(0, 10)} {r.Next(0, 10)} {r.Next(0, 10)} {r.Next(0, 10)}";  
       return $"value request: {id}. {data}";  

Put a breakpoint on Etag attribute method, start on Debug mode (F5) and do a GET request to the test resource "api/values/5"
We are now stopped inside our attribute class and all request information is available there.

I'm requesting the same resource this time but populating the If-None-Match header,

Run with F5 again and lets check the actionContext param:

Our header is populated, now we can do whatever we want before let request pass to controller.

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